UHG Team2019年7月22日讀畢需時 3 分鐘How Cancer Was First Discovered and TreatedHave you ever wondered when cancer was first discovered? When we hear about some of the causes of cancer, it may seem as if cancer is a...
UHG Team2019年7月15日讀畢需時 2 分鐘組合治療延存活期 晚期肺癌新曙光肺癌期數愈後,存活率便愈低,偏偏其症狀不明顯,故不少患者確診時已是第三、四期,亦因而登上癌症殺手榜第一位。不過,有本港專科醫生引述國際一項最新研究指,將免疫治療結合標靶藥及化療的治療策略,能有助第四期患者延長存活期,尤其是亞洲人常見的EGFR或ALK基因突變型的患者。...
UHG Team2019年7月11日讀畢需時 2 分鐘High-Fiber Foods You Should Eat (Part I)Fiber is an important nutrient that may promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and fight constipation. Most people don’t meet the...